The Power of Discipline in Artist Development

Hello, everyone! This is Jennifer McGill, president of PCG Artist Development, bringing to you another critical aspect of artist development – discipline. Our focus for today is how to incorporate discipline into your daily routine for the continuous betterment of your skills. Remember, consistent effort is key to achieving any level of mastery.

Emphasizing the Role of Discipline

In my vocal and live show sessions, I often underscore the importance of discipline. It's not just about getting things right once; it's about maintaining consistency. If you successfully hit a high note today, or flawlessly execute a dance routine, it doesn't necessarily mean you'll be able to reproduce that success tomorrow or a week from now. The human nervous system and physical mechanics require repetition and time to engrain actions into your default behaviors, or as we often call it, your 'muscle memory'.

Therefore, one of the critical aspects of artist development is to establish a routine to practice, practice, and practice. The words "drill, drill, drill" aren't just a mantra, but a lifestyle. Repeatedly practicing your technique allows your body to get accustomed to the movements and gestures necessary for your performance.

Striking a Balance: Perfectionism vs. Self-compassion

Drilling doesn't equate to a punishment regimen. It's vital to differentiate between striving for perfection and self-flagellation. Perfectionism doesn't require you to be overly critical or bully yourself; instead, it calls for a commitment to continuously refine your skills.

Discipline doesn't imply being ashamed when you falter during practice. Missteps are natural, inevitable even, when you're working towards a standard of excellence. The important thing is to learn from your mistakes, not berate yourself for them.

Consistent Practice and Kindness: Key to Excellence

Remember, Rome wasn't built in a day. It takes consistent effort and time to develop your skills and abilities. As you journey along the path of artist development, remember to be kind to yourself. Celebrate small victories, no matter how minor they may seem. Every baby step counts and gets you closer to your goal. Make a promise to show up for yourself every day, committing to practice and refine your techniques and storytelling methods for your performances.

Over time, the consistent application of your skills and techniques will build more than just your talent; it'll also build your confidence. Confidence and technique are like two sides of the same coin; one reinforces the other. The more consistent you are in your practices, the more confidence you'll develop. The more confidence you have, the better your performances will be.

So, let's make this our motto for the week – "I can do this!" Keep up your discipline, keep refining your skills, and most importantly, be kind to yourself. After all, in artist development, as in life, the journey matters just as much as the destination. Have a great week!


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